Music has played a vital part of my life. No, I’m not a musician…but not a day goes by where the rhythm, pace, attitude and emotion of music doesn’t in some way, shape or form connect with me. Music is an important part of my work as a video producer and editor, it is a staple in my reading routine and it’s a source of entertainment and discussion unlike any other topic.

But things have been different the past couple of years. I experience music differently - and I am noticing it.

I can remember back to when music became important in my life. My teen years involved numerous mail order subscriptions to the Columbia House and BMG Tape & CD Clubs (seriously….they were smokin’ deals) and I spent every last cent I had buying new music. I was also a regular at the used cd shop, scooping up specials to build my rapidly growing music collection.

Who remembers filling out these forms back in the day?

Who remembers filling out these forms back in the day?

Music was everywhere. In my car, at school, at work, on TV, concerts, you name it. I couldn’t suck in enough.

That passion and excitement towards music led to me wanting to learn not just one instrument - but many. I took drums in high school band, classical and bass guitar in my early 20’s and even took the saxophone for a spin in my 30’s. That’s the beauty of music…there’s never not a time to be inspired by it.

As the compact disc took over the music landscape, much of my music collection became obsolete (in my eyes). I parted with literally hundreds of cassettes, never re-buying many of them in cd form. Now, with music streaming services, I find it the ultimate double-edged sword. I can have thousands of albums at my beck and call, music at my fingertips…but sometimes having everything at your disposal can become overwhelming.

I found I was listening to music differently. I was more of a “sampler”. I’d check out a few songs…see if I liked the music, and maybe would snag a song or two for the playlist. I began ignoring the complete album (say for the big names that have been staples in my collection). I still embraced buying cd’s as I love having the physical copy of the disc…liner notes and everything.

I was listening to most of my music when I was nose-deep in a book. Instrumental music really helps relax my mind and I can focus more on the words in front of me. But songs for enjoyment purposes…not as often. Heck, Spotify was really kind to give me a reminder of just how much I listened to over the past year. Let’s just say…the results weren’t pretty.

So I’m changing things up this year. I want to rediscover some of the music that is most important to me. I want to dig up some buried treasures. I want to share the music I like most…and hopefully on the flip side, get some new suggestions in return.

monday playlist_the staples_cover.jpg

It just so happens that this lines up nicely with the launch of my new Instagram page, and my first post - Monday’s Playlist. It will be a weekly share of some songs that have caught my ear at some point in the past. Every seven days will be a new playlist to check out…a new genre to explore, a favourite theme. I want this to be a vehicle to get me to rediscover much of what I love, and share with all of you that which makes me who I am.

This first playlist is titled ‘The Staples’.

When I go through song by song, I can vividly remember an important time in my life. The Black Crowes represent the year I spent out east in Toronto, discovering music in a whole new way - at the recording school I went to. Van Halen, well that was my friend’s birthday party when I was 11. Seeing him unwrap that album and catching a glimpse of the cover…hadn’t seen anything like it before. And the music, life changing.

This playlists features some of my all-time favourite artists and bands, like Gov’t Mule, Jack White (The Raconteurs) and Stevie Ray Vaughan. You’ll soon find out that many of my playlists will feature heavy on guitar.

The most recent add to my list would also be the most eclectic and unique. I’d also offer that it features four of the most talented musicians I’ve ever listened to. Goat Rodeo is exactly what the name represents…”a chaotic situation, fiasco or (pardon my language) a shitshow”. When world-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma teamed up with Chris Thile, Stuart Duncan and Edgar Meyer, the quartet created a cacophony of sound that was mesmerizing and at the same time a little bit off kilter. I’ve never listened to music that has made me smile more than when I spin this disc.

Again, you can check out my Monday’s Playlist and listen for yourself. And be sure to check out a new set of songs each week. It’s something I want to keep fun…so I’m not looking to create these epic long lists. Nine songs….that’s the cap.

Music is such an enjoyable outlet. I really think it’s the truest of creative ventures…and it’s been such a pivotal aspect of my life. That is something I know will never change.


